
Wednesday, 23 January 2013

10 tips to lose inches off waist safely

The Introduction

Hello readers the reason I created the blog because I’m concerned about the high incidence of obesity,high blood pressure,diabetes ,heart disease ,cancer,leg amputations and stroke in America and around the world  because of  poor diet and lack of exercise. Even the innocent children are obese and having diabetes, what the hell is going on in the world today .People minds  are focused on the dollar bill than to build health and strength which is very sad .Health is equal to true wealth. I know a guy that had a lot of the money ,but  all the money didn’t save his life in the end because of pancreatic cancer .So what is the point of having all that money and  being in  pain and misery it doesn’t make any sense at all. An ounce of prevention is a thousand times better than a pound of cure. Preventing these diseases will save you money from  expensive doctor bills and surgery ,so you can spend money on your family instead of the drug companies that  exploit you for your hard earn money .Enough talk I don’t want to bore you to death let’s get to the heart of the matter ,the 10 weight loss tips.

1.Eat natural food than processed food
Natural food  like apples,oranges,pears,nuts  etc are  better assimilated in the body than processed foods which have preservatives in them.Your body will burn more fat on natural food because the body is getting nutrients that it needs from the fruits which increase the body metabolic rate which equals weight loss .This also tells the brain that you are  full don’t eat anymore.

2.Avoid sodas and use unsweetened fruit juices instead

Sodas have a lot of  sugar in them and they also destroy the teeth by the excess sugar and carbonated water in these sodas .Your body don’t need that much sugar which causes sugar highs and lows in insulin levels which cause people to eat more which we don’t want.

It is better to create your own unsweetened fruit juice like watermelon ,apple and orange juice than the one you buy from the supermarket .Not only is it good for you but you know what is in your fruit juice and don’t have worry hidden artificial sweeteners which can be harmful to health.

3.Clean your colon once every three months
Good health starts with a healthy colon.If you allow  garbage to store  in your house,the people in the  house will be prone to disease,the same thing with human body.Use  natural colon cleansers  like prunes or prune juice.Natural foods like fruits have fiber so it does not stick to the intestinal wall this also prevent constipation which is a chronic illness in society .This also help you burn fat more efficiently.

4.Stop Drinking completely if you can’t drink in moderation
Excessive drinking can damage the liver and  it also cause the body to store body fat. I think you heard this a thousand times on television but it is true.You only have one life so use it wisely.

5.Excercise at least 15 minutes per minutes per day but make it something you enjoy.
Try an exercise that is an enjoyable activity than to make it burdensome.Try hiking,swimming,bike riding,dancing or doing Taebo for 15 minutes.Try not to focus on losing weight but to have fun.

6.Stop Watching Too Much Television
Being  a  couch potato helps you gain weight unconsciously without notice by eating food from being inactive .Go outside and take part in an interesting activity.

7.Balance Work and Play
Excessive work and focusing only on material processions causes a lot of stress on the body creating disease.Try to live within your means and be thankful on what the creator has given you ,there more to life than chasing after the dollar bill .Your life and health is precious than any diamond.

8.Rest and Relaxation

After exercise get adequate rest and relaxation so the body can repair itself . Eight hours of rest is adequate.

9.Don’t eat  very late  at night
  Eating at late at night makes  you gain weight because the body‘s metabolic rate is very slow at that time so the body changes this food into body fat.

10.Don’t Give Up
Most people fail  at  weight loss programs because they are not losing weight right away and they gave up before they see it through to the end .People have different body structures and metabolic rates  so some people lose weight faster than others.

The Final Word
  Consult your certified physician first before taking part in any diet or exercise program to see if it is right for you .I can’t be held liable if you misuse the info in this blog and cause injury to yourself. This info in this blog is for educational purposes only .Thank you for sharing the time to read this article I hope this info was helpful to you and good blessing to you from 2013 and beyond.

Written by Ned Savage






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